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Our mic collection is sure to have the right mic for the right source:
Soundelux e99
Bock 241
Pearlman TM-1
(2) Neumann Air 67 - These are TLM67's modded to U67 spec by German mic master...
(2) Neumann TLM 102
BeezKnees - James
(2) BeezKnees Oliver (FET 47 clones)
Kel Audio HM1U
Stellar CM6
(3) CAD condenser mics - Toms!!
(2) Octava
(2) Audix small condensers
Royer r121
Sennehiser MD441
Sennehiser e609
AEA R88 Stereo ribbon mic
AEA R84 ribbon mic
(2) Coles 4040
(2) Beyerdynamic M160 hyper cardiod ribbon mic (Salk modded to RCA spec)
Beyerdynamic 130 ribbon mic
Stager SR1N - Beast
Stager SR2A - like a sub-kick for your guitar cab
(2) RE-20
(2) D116
(3) Sennehiser MD 421
Sennehiser MD441
Sennehiser e609
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